Thursday, 19 April 2018

Chroma is coming!

Hello TwoTwonians!

How are you? I am quite excited, as usual. Do you remember my last post about podcasts? I told you that I will increase my playlists; I created a new Soundcloud account for my school and a blog! So proud of my two neurons and my twenty-four students ๐Ÿ˜ The idea is to create a radio school with podcasts. This is our first programme! If you have got any suggestion, tell us! We want to improve it and overall having fun! ๐Ÿ˜„

Today we want to take a step forward. Podcasts are an amazing resource, but we want more. What about to create a video/short movie? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Yes! It's insane with a lot of work to do, but we are all mad here! 

The first thing that we need to do is to split the work. Working in groups is not easy, but if each member knows what is his/her job, it will be better. In my work team we are 5 people and the main roles are: drafter, recorder, community manager and editor (in the draft that you can find at the end of this post, there is all the information). 

Our group decided to create a news programme. Its name is Channel 4. The objectives that we want to achieve are several; to work cooperatively, to improve students' listening and reading comprehension skills, to learn subject contents through a visual format and so on. This activity is a good one with future purposes; a lot of schools have got newspapers, but having a TV programme is playing in a different league ๐Ÿ˜

Channel 4 will have different sections:

  • TV presenter (yeah! It's our creator; Soraya ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘)
  • Natural Science news: earthquake
  • Social Science news: Brexit
  • Cultural news, linked with Arts and Crafts: Saint George
  • Physical Education news: new sports.
The students will split in groups; the idea is that each group takes a news and develop an investigation activity. They will present their works with the tools that they will decided: Genialy, lap books, videos. I, sorry we, believe in creativity and originality and for this reason we want that our students explore different ways to create a final project. 

At the end of each news, the groups will have to answer the questions that each reporter has asked. 

And now, we talk about the video ๐Ÿ™ˆ The video will be available in our next post (maybe yes, maybe no). But, don't be impatient. I can tell you which apps we are going to use:
  • iMovie: I will explain how to use this app in the next post. We will use Chroma; a technique to change your background. Chroma for dummies: you record yourself with a green background and later you add your own background.
  • GarageBand: I told you about this app in my previous post. It has got lots of sounds that you can use in your videos. 
  • My own brain and my two neurons: the most important part (my two neurons agree). Digital technologies can be amazing, but you need to know how to use them ๐Ÿ˜‰
The background photos that we used are from Pixabay. They are all under Creative Commons license. The sounds that we introduced are available in GarageBand. The draft of the plot was created in GoogleDrive with a GoogleDoc as in my previous post (here you can see it):

I hope you like my new idea! I can't wait to show you it!


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