Thursday 22 March 2018

Be mad with an infographic

Hello my dear friends!

I don't know if I've told you, but I love being creative and sometimes my imaginations hasn't got limits. My right neuron feels quite sad when a student colours an elephant with the grey crayon or a whale with the blue crayon. I think that students must be creative and use their imagination as much as they can. This will give them originality, a must tool in this society. For this reason, today I bring a nice infographic. Wait! Didn't I explain what an infographic is? Sorry! My fault.

An infographic is a very visual way of representing and transmitting knowledge. I use the app Canva. I told you about this app in this post. I think that is the best free app that I've ever used to create nice and visual content. Canva gives you a lot of free templates for infographics, CV, recipes, diaries...You can choose several illustrations, pictures, fonts. Try it! 

The topic that I want to show you through an infographic is a topic that I really love. I like telling stories, but sometimes the students find very difficult to express themselves with creativity and they tell the same stories that we know: Little Red Riding Hood, the Beauty and the Beast... In this infographic I summarize the best tools that I consider essential to make up a story. In this way the students reinforce their writing and speaking skills. 

How to make up stories de Soraya Borja Almarcha

I hope you like it and you can make up wonderful stories with your students. 

Take care and have a wonderful Easter break! See you soon!


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