Thursday 8 February 2018

Left neuron talking: image attribution

Hello guys!

TwoTwo on the line again!

Today I want to explain one important thing about images on the net. Sometimes you see very nice pictures and you want them, that's perfect! But let's make it clear; not everything is for free use (this is the bad news), and the good news is that there are a lot of sites with images, pictures, vectors and so on for non commercial use. Let's take a look!

Pixabay is one of these sites when you can download photos for free use, even you can choose the quality. Most of them are under the license CCO Creative Commons and that means that we can use them. For example: I chose this picture (my right neuron will be explain why I chose it). In the footnote you can see the author (if you click, you will be directed to the author's page in another window) and the license. This photo hasn't got a title; if there would be a title, the title would be before the author's name.

Right neuron talking right now! I chose this picture because I want to use it in a Early years classroom (5 years old would be ideal). The main topic of the CLIL lesson is the prehistory. I will use this photo in the classroom to introduce the differences between that period and nowadays: 

  • Animals in the prehistory: there were mammoths, huge elephants with a lot of hair;
  • Clothes in the prehistory: the clothes were made with natural things: leather, leaves;
  • Weather in the prehistory: the weather was very cold, there was ice surrounding people, animals, mountains;
  • Houses in the prehistory: there weren't  houses or buildings, people lived in caves.
This would be the introduction for my CLIL lesson using this photo.

I hope you like this brief post about picking pictures on the net and a few ideas about a prehistory introductory lesson in an early years classroom.

Take care 😆


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