Thursday, 8 February 2018

Hello, is anybody out there?

Hello! My name is TwoTwo, because I've got two neurons and both are bilingual. Let me introduce myself. 

The right neuron is the neuron which pushes me to move to Madrid from Scotland in August 2017, to start a new adventure in the public school education system and to enroll in a Master in Bilingual Education (and as you can imagine, this blog is the result of one of the subjects of this Master: ICT & CLIL).

The left neuron is the neuron which decides to think before talking, but sometimes it fails in this mission. It is the neuron which says "education can be hard, but don't worry, you are making a difference", too. It says that ICT can be time consuming but the results are amazing, you only have to look at me 😏.

I was created by Voki; it's a very intuitive app where you can create your own avatar, insert your voice and change different physical features; you can be even a cat! Very useful when you want to hide your identity in a nice way. As teachers, we need to take into account always that our online privacy is very important.  

The effects of the picture are made by Canva. Canva is a very useful app when you want to create displays, computer graphics and I found it very useful when I was preparing my exams for being a civil servant (here my two neurons were working together). You can upload photos, write with hundreds of different fonts, find templates for CV, presentations, displays, banners, school newspapers, magazines and a long etcetera. Try it! It's very intuitive! 

Now that you know me better, let me tell you a little secret. I really like to spend time surfing the web, but sometimes I realize that I spend too much time without resting. The solution for me was the "pomodoro method"; pomodoro is an Italian word which means tomato. The method is very simple; you need a kitchen timer (tomato shape will be more motivating) or a wonderful app like Focus. The app has different intervals. I do my best during 25 minutes, later I have a rest of 5 minutes (walking a little bit, eating something, talking with somebody, checking your social media) and 25 minutes more focus. You can change the settings and adapt them to your pace. For me it works perfectly. If you don't know how to organize your time, I strongly recommend it.

And that's all folks!



  1. Awesome! Great to meet you, TwoTwo!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks and nice to meet you too Mª Jesús 🙃
